$WAGMIGAMES Tokenomics & Supply Allocation
ERC-20 Contract: 0x3B604747ad1720C01ded0455728b62c0d2F100F0
The $WAGMIGAMES total supply is 2.2T tokens. The circulating supply is ~1.85T tokens.
0% Transfer Tax
5% Max Wallet (110B tokens)
84.07% of the supply is circulating among existing holders
5% of the supply is reserved for supporting the Game Economy
will be released for future tournaments and other play-to-earn aspects of the game
5% of the supply is being held in the Treasury Wallet (back-up reserves)
4% of the supply is reserved for liquidity for future Tier-1 Centralized Exchanges
1.93% of the supply is reserved for future advisory roles

Last updated