NiFe WARS Comic Books
WAGMI Games is excited to announce the release of quarterly comic book volumes based on the novel "NiFe WARS: We're All Gonna Make It".
The first volume, titled "The Betrayal - Earth's Peace Treaty Is Broken!" was minted on December 19th, 2022 on Immutable-X's L2. It was later migrated to Opensea (L1) on July 29. Details about the migration can be found HERE. The collection includes 5973 digital comic books that are readable and tradable on the Opensea marketplace as well as Rarible.
The world's first in-browser digital comic book (you can read the comic book directly on the NFT itself)
Holders will be able to lock their digital comic books and receive a free in-game War Chest every month (rarer loot for rarer comic book variations) - (WAGMI Defense Public Release)
PHYSICAL COPIES: 5,973 copies can be claimed by those who minted one of the digital comic books - (August 2023)

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